Help with the Challenges of Autism
There are many challenges that individuals (and families) living with autism experience on a day-to-day basis. The Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (CANDO Clinic), offers a list of resources to help with these challenges. Additional resources are listed below. Browse local resources. Browse state …
Mission Possible: COVID-19 Unwrapped for Kids
Our Child Life team at UMass Memorial Children’s Medical Center offers some thoughts to help you talk to kids about COVID-19. There are other resources for children available on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. Be aware of your emotions. This is an …
Keep Calm and Quarantine On
Is social distancing making you wonder what to do for the next few weeks? If you have small kids, spending weeks at home, not seeing friends, and avoiding public places could make the time seem to drag on. Our Child Life team at UMass Memorial Medical …