Mammogram or Bust
Did you put off your mammogram because of COVID? Are you just too busy? You know you should get it done, but it’s just one more thing to do on your lengthy list. Stop. Don’t delay your care. Early detection is the best protection. …
Prediction: Obesity Will Surpass Smoking As Most Preventable Cause of Cancer
It’s no secret that being overweight or obese can affect your overall health. When you’re overweight, you increase your chances of stroke, diabetes, heart disease and depression, but did you know being overweight increases your risk for cancer? In 2014, obesity increased the risk of …
Proper Nutrition Aids in Cancer Recovery
Guest Bloggers: Mackenzie Souza, RD, LDN, and Elizabeth Lundy, RD, LDN, Dietitians, Cancer Center Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. There’s significant emotional, as well as physical, stress that comes with managing this disease, from receiving a diagnosis, reviewing treatment options, managing medications, and …