The Mystery of Men and Why They Avoid the Doctor
Do you ever feel like you pester the men in your life to go to the doctor? Generally, men tend to die sooner than woman, and while there are many factors to this statistic, it’s hard to ignore the fact that it may be due …
Hiking Safety 101
Who doesn’t like to take a leisurely stroll outdoors? Want to take it up a notch? Try hiking. Hiking is an activity for all ages and fitness levels, whether you’re taking a walk through a local park or climbing summits across New England. You can …
Working Out: Are Energy Gels Better than Sports Drinks?
Water and sports drinks have been the go-to drinks for workouts. But, are there other options now? With innovations of glycogen products, athletes do have more options. …
Who Is at Risk for ACL Injuries?
Athletes cower at the mention of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries. Depending on how badly it’s torn, the injury can put an athlete out for an entire season, even Tom Brady had to sit out a season because of his ACL injury. Your ACL is …