Being Prepared in Case of a Fall
When it comes to fall prevention, what can you do to help put your mind at ease and ensure the safety of your family? …
5 Yoga Poses to Ease Lower Back Pain
Back pain is anything but rare. While it’s not always something worth worrying about, why be in pain if there are simple things you can do to help relieve it? Yoga is a form of exercise that teaches breath control, posture, flexibility and meditation. The …
Burn Calories without Exercise
Stroll down the aisles of any department store these days, and your eye will be drawn to an appealing collection of labor-saving gadgets. These can include everything from snow blowers and electric hedge trimmers to remote controls for the TV and DVD player. It’s enough …
Let’s Talk Prenatal Massage
Let’s face it, ladies, we aren’t all the same. I know that we know that, but it never hurts to remember that in a world of uniform sizes and styles, we humans are actually really different, inside and out. So, let’s talk about pregnancy, every …