AEDs Save Lives
Sudden cardiac arrest happens quickly and most often without warning. An electrical malfunction causes your heart to beat irregularly. Your brain doesn’t get enough blood. Your lungs and other organs don’t get enough blood. Within seconds, you have no pulse. Within minutes, you’re dead. Hold …
The Leak of Which We Don’t Speak: Causes of Bladder Leaks and Tips for Strengthening
For generations, too many women have believed that urinary leakage was something they simply had to live with, an inevitable consequence of getting older or having children. And they felt embarrassed about discussing it, so they kept quiet and often ended up isolating themselves socially …
Got a Cold? Try a Homemade Tea
It’s the season for the common cold to bring us down. Even worse, it’s flu season, which can leave you in bed for days. First, let’s talk prevention – learn six ways to boost your immune system. However, if you start to feel that little …
Don’t Be Left in the Dark When Disaster Strikes
Remember the ice storm of 2008? Many were left in the dark without electricity and heat for days, weeks even. When disaster strikes, it’s important to be prepared. One crucial way to prepare for an emergency is to create your own home emergency kit. Of …