Prediction: Obesity Will Surpass Smoking As Most Preventable Cause of Cancer
It’s no secret that being overweight or obese can affect your overall health. When you’re overweight, you increase your chances of stroke, diabetes, heart disease and depression, but did you know being overweight increases your risk for cancer? In 2014, obesity increased the risk of …
Grocery Shop the Smart and Healthy Way
Good nutrition starts with smart choices in the grocery store. If you don’t have the proper healthy ingredients in your home, preparing healthy meals can be difficult and challenging. Here are some useful tips to make sure you shop the smart and healthy way. Plan …
Is it More than Just a Fever and a Rash?
Guest Blogger: Michael Fahey, MD, Chief, Pediatric Cardiology, UMass Memorial Children’s Medical Center Has your child had a fever that has lasted more than five days? As parents, it’s easy for us to jump from fever to flu to pneumonia and beyond. What happens when …