Playground Exercise: Not Just For Kids
File this under ways to "fit" it in." Exercise, that is! As every parent knows, spring and summer are jam-packed with end of the school year activities, sports and, of course, lots of outdoor fun. If you happen to be taking your kids to the …
Teaching Diversity and Inclusion to Our Children
Racial justice was one of the most covered topics in the media in 2020. The widespread demonstrations in support of the Black Lives Matter movement were something we haven’t seen since the events of the 1960s that denounced racial segregation and elevated attention to civil …
Pandemic Increases Children’s Mental Health Challenges
Many families are under a great deal of stress with the current pandemic. But steps can be taken to create a safer environment. …
The Importance of Pediatric-Specific Emergency Care
They are the scenarios all parents dread. Your toddler wakes up a 2 am wailing and pulling on her ear. Your 10-year-old tries to do “wheelies” on his bike. You find him sitting in the driveway clutching his arm, and it’s swelling before your eyes. …
Let’s Talk Prenatal Massage
Let’s face it, ladies, we aren’t all the same. I know that we know that, but it never hurts to remember that in a world of uniform sizes and styles, we humans are actually really different, inside and out. So, let’s talk about pregnancy, every …
Grocery Shop the Smart and Healthy Way
Good nutrition starts with smart choices in the grocery store. If you don’t have the proper healthy ingredients in your home, preparing healthy meals can be difficult and challenging. Here are some useful tips to make sure you shop the smart and healthy way. Plan …
Help with the Challenges of Autism
There are many challenges that individuals (and families) living with autism experience on a day-to-day basis. The Center for Autism and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (CANDO Clinic), offers a list of resources to help with these challenges. Additional resources are listed below. Browse local resources. Browse state …
Mission Possible: COVID-19 Unwrapped for Kids
Our Child Life team at UMass Memorial Children’s Medical Center offers some thoughts to help you talk to kids about COVID-19. There are other resources for children available on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. Be aware of your emotions. This is an …
Keep Calm and Quarantine On
Is social distancing making you wonder what to do for the next few weeks? If you have small kids, spending weeks at home, not seeing friends, and avoiding public places could make the time seem to drag on. Our Child Life team at UMass Memorial Medical …
Grocery Shop the Smart and Healthy Way
Good nutrition starts with smart choices in the grocery store. If you don’t have the proper healthy ingredients in your home, preparing healthy meals can be difficult and challenging. Here are some useful tips to make sure you shop the smart and healthy way. Plan …
What Every Parent Needs to Know – The HPV Vaccine and Cancer Prevention
If you’re a parent of a preteen or teen, we know you have many questions about the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. HPV causes cancer. Cancer can be prevented. The HPV vaccine is the first line of defense against several types of cancers. However, many parents …
CT Scan vs. MRI – What’s Best for a Sports-related Concussion?
A hockey check, a bicycle accident, a fall from a tree. All are potential causes of a concussion or traumatic brain injury. Concussions, and especially sports-related concussions, can vary in the extent of the injury and the severity of the symptoms. Common mental or physical …