What Every Parent Needs to Know – The HPV Vaccine and Cancer Prevention
If you’re a parent of a preteen or teen, we know you have many questions about the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. HPV causes cancer. Cancer can be prevented. The HPV vaccine is the first line of defense against several types of cancers. However, many parents …
CT Scan vs. MRI – What’s Best for a Sports-related Concussion?
A hockey check, a bicycle accident, a fall from a tree. All are potential causes of a concussion or traumatic brain injury. Concussions, and especially sports-related concussions, can vary in the extent of the injury and the severity of the symptoms. Common mental or physical …
How Five Seconds Can Change Your Life
Five seconds is the average time your eyes are off the road while texting. When traveling at 55 mph, that’s enough time to cover the length of a football field blindfolded. Are you guilty? Just a little? Do you sneak a peek? Only at stop …
Peanut Free Lunches
Peanut Free Lunches. Cute and fun ideas for peanut-free schools. Source: …
Make Memories with Your Grandchildren
Of the more than 56 million grandparents in the U.S., about half live more than 200 miles from their grandchildren. Are you in that group? Then you know that distance creates a challenge for families who want to have a strong bond between your and …
6 Ways to Reduce Injuries in Youth Sports
Fall sports are underway. Kids and teens are gearing up for football, cheering, hockey and a slew of other sports. Here are six ways to reduce injuries in youth sports. Wear proper equipment: Find out what appropriate protective gear your child may need in their …
3 Tips to Avoid Infections in Simple Cuts and Scrapes
Playing outside is a normal part of growing up. Whether your kids are involved in organized sports a few nights a week or just like to run around in the backyard whenever they can, exercise and fresh air are never terrible options for growing children. …
The Joys of Family Gardening
Guest Blogger: Khwaja Hussain, MD, primary care provider Spring evokes many emotions for any gardener. All the plans made over a year need to be implemented in a burst of activity over just a few weeks. A lot needs to be done, and time is …