Infants & Toddlers
If You Don’t Have a Family Meal Each Day…
If you don't have a family meal each day, it's time to get out the plates. Table time yields benefits that go far beyond food. The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University says that the more often children eat dinner …
Folic Acid and Your Unborn Baby
Planning to become pregnant? If you answered yes, then it’s time to talk about folic acid and the many positive effects it can have on you and your unborn child. If you’re considering having a baby, now, is the perfect time to share what we …
Buying Guidelines for Safe and Fun Toys
Who’d have thought a cute plush puppy could cause choking? Or that dinosaur claw gloves could poke an eye? You know the little boy in your life would love the toy sword but think twice. It could cause a blunt force injury when he swings …