Infants & Toddlers
Toddler and Tablets
We’re living in a technological age; it’s all around us. So it only makes sense that children, toddlers and even infants are exposed to iPads, smartphones and tablets at a high rate. Tablet use in young children and toddlers has experts split on how much …
3 Tips to Avoid Infections in Simple Cuts and Scrapes
Playing outside is a normal part of growing up. Whether your kids are involved in organized sports a few nights a week or just like to run around in the backyard whenever they can, exercise and fresh air are never terrible options for growing children. …
Debunking Childhood Myths
Your parents said them to you, and now you may catch yourself saying them to your kids – childhood myths. “Gum will stay in your stomach for seven years.” “You’ll hurt your eyes if you read in the dark.” How about the five-second rule? Are these …