New Technology to Detect Prostate Cancer?
That’s right. If the man in your life needs a biopsy, then check out the new technology available that increases the detection of high-risk prostate cancer, with minimal discomfort and faster results. Traditionally, prostate cancer biopsies have been performed by random sampling of the entire …
Soaking Up Some Vitamin D
With summer in full effect, it should be easier to get some sun exposure to help boost your intake of vitamin D, aka the “Sunshine Vitamin.” But have you ever wondered if you’re getting too little? And what’s the best way to get it? While …
Urgent Need for Blood Donations
The sun is out, the weather is great, the pools and beaches are open, and the ice cream trucks are out in full force. But while air conditioners crank on all across the country, most people aren’t thinking about the importance of blood donation; a …