Mental Health Isn’t a 1-Person Battle
Picture this: Someone enters a room full of people. He is social butterfly who is smiling, laughing, striking up conversations with anyone and everyone he makes eye contact with. Safe to assume everything is good with him, right? But what if someone told you that …
Walk Toward a Healthier You
An object in motion, stays in motion. But what about your body? To keep yourself limber through the year, you must keep your body moving. This doesn’t have to mean intense cardio or strength training. It could be as simple as a 30-minute walk every …
What Stress Does to the Body, and How Mindfulness Can Help
When our prehistoric ancestors faced terrifying situations like a hungry wooly mammoth, their endocrine system would flood their bodies with the hormones adrenaline and cortisol. This “fight-or-flight” stress response provided a burst of energy so they could respond to the dangerous predator. While wooly mammoths …