Can You Take Fear Out of Needle Sticks?
Is it possible to make an upcoming vaccine or blood draw easier for your child? Yes! Needle sticks, whether they be for vaccines or a blood test, can cause fear and pain for both you and your child. But there is help, and the Children’s …
Child Life Specialists: Heroes Among Us
Heading to the hospital with your child? Maybe they need an IV placed or need to stay as an inpatient for a few days? Both you and your child are probably pretty stressed about the whole thing. But help is on the way! Our Children's …
A Dad on a Mental Health Mission: Reinforcing the Three Rs
The other day, my oldest son said words every parent will hear at some point or another. “I don’t want to go to school.” But, as a dad, I could tell by the look in his eyes this wasn’t one of those days where he …