What Do Blood Sugar and Baseball Have in Common?
The American Diabetes Association uses this analogy – In some ways, the A1C test is like a baseball player’s season batting average, it tells you about a person’s overall success. Neither a single day’s blood test results nor a single game’s batting record gives the …
Help! I Can’t Find My Keys.
How’s your memory? Concerned that you may be more forgetful? Have you experienced a “senior moment?” There are several things you can do to invigorate your mind’s inner workings and, in turn, experience life in the way you want. How do you keep your brain …
What You Should Know About Alzheimer’s
Grab your cup of coffee and put your feet up as you watch and listen to experts help you learn about Alzheimer’s disease. Since many of us are dealing with aging parents and spouses, it’s a good idea to be armed with knowledge about this …