What Every Parent Needs to Know – The HPV Vaccine and Cancer Prevention
If you’re a parent of a preteen or teen, we know you have many questions about the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. HPV causes cancer. Cancer can be prevented. The HPV vaccine is the first line of defense against several types of cancers. However, many parents …
CT Scan vs. MRI – What’s Best for a Sports-related Concussion?
A hockey check, a bicycle accident, a fall from a tree. All are potential causes of a concussion or traumatic brain injury. Concussions, and especially sports-related concussions, can vary in the extent of the injury and the severity of the symptoms. Common mental or physical …
New Technology to Detect Prostate Cancer?
That’s right. If the man in your life needs a biopsy, then check out the new technology available that increases the detection of high-risk prostate cancer, with minimal discomfort and faster results. Traditionally, prostate cancer biopsies have been performed by random sampling of the entire …