Playground Exercise: Not Just For Kids

Playground Exercise: Not Just For Kids

File this under ways to “fit” it in. Exercise, that is! Spring and summer are jam-packed with end of the school year activities, sports and lots of outdoor fun. If you happen to be taking your kids to the playground or just want to take your workout outdoors, the playground makes for a great place for a free, full-body workout! Plus, it’s a fun way to get your kids involved in fitness!

Sure, you might get a few strange looks, but they’ll be worth it! Save this post to your phone or take a photo so you have it on hand the next time you run by a park or are looking to “fit it in” while at the playground with your children.

First things first … always check with your doctor before starting an exercise program. And perform the exercises below to meet your fitness level.

Playground Circuit Warmup

  • Pick a spot approximately 50 yards (45 meters) away from the playground. Sprint to this point and back.
  • Alternative: Sprint or jog around the circumference of the playground. This is a perfect exercise to do with a child of any age, whether they are in a stroller or old enough to race you as part of your warmup
  • Do 10 repetitions (reps) of each of the below:
    • Torso twists
    • Squats (hold your child for more of a challenge)
    • Jumping jacks


Parallel bars
Dips – If your child’s favorite park has a pair of parallel bars, you can use them to do dips. These are a great exercise for your chest, shoulders and triceps. Be sure to go all the way up and down on each rep. You will get the most benefit from a full range of motion. 10-20 reps x 3

Monkey bars
Try to get across the monkey bars. This is great for core and grip strength. Can you make it down and back?

Pullups – Almost any playground will have at least one high bar that is the perfect place to practice your pullups. 10 to 20 reps x 3

Swing set
Get the legs moving. Swing away.

Bodyweight rows – If you haven’t mastered the pullup, a great alternative is bodyweight rows. While standing up, hang onto the chain of a swing and slightly lean back with your arms extended. Bend your arms at the elbow to pull your chest towards the swing. Extend your arms and return to start. 10 to 20 reps x 3

Geodesic dome
Pushups – Put your hands out in front of you, shoulder-width apart, with your feet are on the ground. Lower your chest until it touches the surface you are doing the press on, and push up to return to starting position. 10 reps x 3

Bicep curls – Find a bar of an appropriate height. Grab the bar so your hands are facing you. Use your biceps muscles to pull your body up towards the bar. 10 reps x 3

Park bench
Squat jumps -Start by facing the front of a bench; the higher the surface, the more difficult this exercise becomes. Squat slightly and then explode upwards to jump onto the bench. Jump backward, off of the bench to return to the starting position. 10 reps x 3

Lateral lunges – Find a platform of an appropriate height (the higher the surface, the more difficult this exercise will be). Start by standing to the side of your platform. Step out to the side with one foot onto the platform and pull yourself up on top of the surface. Step back down to the ground to return to the starting position. 10 reps each side x 3